For windows users developing for android have following installed set up.
- Java JDK
- Apache Ant
- Android SDK (not android studio, only android sdk tool stand alone)
Java JDK
Install the most recent Java JDK (not just the JRE). Next, create an environment variable for JAVA_HOME pointing to the root folder where the Java JDK was installed. So, if you installed the JDK into C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144, set JAVA_HOME to be this path. After that, add the JDK's bin directory to the PATH variable as well.Apache Ant
To install Ant, download a zip from Here, extract it, move the first folder in the zip to a safe place, and update your PATH to include the bin folder in that folder. For example, if you moved the Ant folder to c:/, you'd want to add this to your PATH: C:\apache-ant-1.9.2\bin.How to istall android sdk tools stand alone: (Platform tools)
Installing the Android SDK is also necessary. The Android SDK provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android.
1- Download sdk tool form : 2- Download zip file from :
3- Unzip file and go to the directory where you download the above zip file in my case (E:\ionic\sdk-tools-windows-3859397\tools\bin)
4- Open command prompt and type bellow commands
>> sdkmanager --licenses
>> sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-26" “build-tools;26.0.1”
>> sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-26" “build-tools;26.0.1”
5- The above command will install the ("platform-tools" "platforms;android-26" and "build-tools;26.0.1")
7- Now go to E:\ionic\sdk-tools-windows-3859397\platform-tools and open command prompt and type following command to check the installed version of adb (Andriod Debug Bridge) and fastboot.
>>adb version
8- Now update your path (environment variable.) to include the "tools/ and platform-tools/", So, using ANDROID_HOME, you would add both %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools.