1- Create XML file
In your module create a new XML file named "base.xml" under "static/src/base.xml" path, and past following code snippet.<templates>
<t t-extend="Sidebar">
<t t-jquery="a.oe_sidebar_action_a" t-operation="replace">
<t t-if="widget.session.uid !== 1">
<a t-if="item.label !== 'Export'" class="oe_sidebar_action_a" t-att-title="item.title or ''" t-att-data-section="section.name" t-att-data-index="item_index" t-att-href="item.url" target="_blank">
<t t-raw="item.label"/>
<t t-if="widget.session.uid === 1">
<a class="oe_sidebar_action_a" t-att-title="item.title or ''" t-att-data-section="section.name" t-att-data-index="item_index" t-att-href="item.url" target="_blank">
<t t-raw="item.label"/>
Code Description:
In above code if "widget.session.uid" is 1, its mean that "Export" option would be visible to admin only and no other user will be able to see the "Export" option from more menu.2- Register your newly create file in "__openerp.py__"
'qweb': [
Now restart the odoo server/service and update your database and refresh the page.