To remove 'Manage Database' and 'Powered by Odoo' from login page we are not going to directly change in "web.login_layout". First we will override the related view/interface "web.login_layout" and than will modify that view.
Remove 'Manage Database' and 'Powered by Odoo' from login page
Follow below steps to remove 'Manage Database' and 'Powered by Odoo' from login page.
1- Create a new file in your custom module and give it any suitable/readable name in my case I named it "inherited_powered_by.xml".
2- Copy below code and paste it.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<template id="inherited_login_layout" inherit_id="web.login_layout" name="My Theme Login">
<xpath expr="//div[@class='oe_single_form_footer']" position="replace">
<div class="oe_single_form_footer" style="bottom: -50px;">
Developed By: Hassan Enterprises
<span class="oe_footer_seperator"> | </span>
Phone: +92 321 1234567
<span class="oe_footer_seperator"></span>
3- Upgrade related module.