Okay, let's begin with installing laravel on windows, installing laravel on windows is quite easy actually. In this tutorial i will be using windows 7, but i think it should be compatible with other version of windows as well.
First we need to install php and mysql on our windows system, the easiest way to do this is by using installer like xampp or wamp. For me i'll be using xampp on this tutorial, so go ahead install xampp on your windows.
Since laravel 4 required at least php version 5.4, so you might want to install the latest xampp, once xampp installed on your windows, you don't have to start the servers (apache,mysql), just leave it as it is.
Besides php version 5.4, laravel 4 also required php extension called MCrypt, luckily MCrypt is already available on xampp, so we can go ahead proceed to the next step.
Next, we need to install composer, composer is a set of php library (i think) and laravel is actually runs on top of composer, so installing composer is a must. Installing composer on windows is also easy, download the composer setup for windows.
Step by step how to install laravel on windows 7
- download and install xampp on windows
- download and install composer setup for windows
- run the composer setup, during the setup you will be asking to choose the php.exe on your windows, since we are using xampp, the php.exe is located at c:/xampp/php/php.exe, so point to that location.
- once the composer setup is finish, we need to test whether the composer is installed correctly and can be access from anywhere using command prompt, simply open command prompt and then type:
the output should be something like this :
- now that composer is installed, we can create our first laravel project, go to directory where you want to store your laravel project, for example the project name is "myfirstweb" and it will be on drive c:/myfirstweb, open the command prompt and do this:
go to drive c:/ by typing :
cd c:/
and then create the laravel project:
composer create-project laravel/laravel myfirstweb --prefer-dist
this will take some times, so be patient, wait until the whole process finish
- once finish, go to the "myfirstweb" directory by typing:
cd myfirstweb
- now you can start the laravel development server, run this command:
php artisan serve
- next open your favorite browser and enter the url :
- you should see something like this :
Congratulation, you just install and create your first ever laravel project :) that's great, next i will show you how to create hello world on laravel.